Australian journalist Peter Greste
BY Nagui-amal Elwasfi
الجالية المصرية في استراليا بقيادة رابطة الجالية المصرية الأسترالية ومنسقها الدكتور مصطفى راشد تناشد المسئولين المصريين في أستراليا بقيادة سعادة السفير حسن الليثي التدخل ومطالبة الحكومة المصرية بالافراج الفوري عن المواطن الأسترالي والصحفي العالمي المعروف بيتر جريستس فورا.
ويؤكد ناجي-أمل الوصفي (كاتب هذا المقال) أن السيد بيتر هو صحفي أسترالي يمارس عمله كصحفي وليس له علاقة من قريب أو بعيد بتنظيم الإخوان المسلمين. وفي الوقت الذي يطالب فيه الصحفييون المصريون في أستراليا بالافراج عن زميلهم المعتقل في وطنهم الأم، فهم أيضا يؤكدون أن هذا المطلب ليس معناه معاداة للحكومة المصرية وليس تدخلا في شؤنها ولكنه مطلب ينبع من الضمير والوجدان ومن الحرص العميق على مصلحة مصر وحمايتها من الدخول في عداءات لن يستفيد منها إلا القوى الظلامية.
Peter Greste is an Australian journalist. He has been arrested on December 29, 2013 by the Egyptian authority. He is now in a solitary confinement. This article is to explain to the relevant authority in Egypt why it is in the best interest of Egypt to treat him well and release him immediately.
1-Peter Greste is not just an Australian journalist, he is now an international figure and the news of his arrest have been reported all over the English-speaking world. In other words, the Egyptian authority is on notice, if any harm befalls him, Egypt which is so far had no enmity with any Western country, will be classified as a hostile nation.
2- Peter Greste ( 46-year old) was charged with collaborating with the Muslim Brotherhood Organisation that has been declared by the Egyptian government to be a terrorist organisation. Even if... even if we, for the argument sake, agree with the allegation... even if we hypothetically assume that he did what he was charged with, it is still in the best interest of Egypt to release him immediately. Why? Because by incarcerating him, Egypt’s gain is Zero; and by treating him well and releasing him, Egypt will gain the reputation of being a modern and friendly society where everyone can go knowing that he will be in a safe country that protects foreigners and respects human rights.
3- As an Egyptian-Australian citizen who has been imprisoned in 1971 in Egypt and tortured by Saddat’s regime for nine month without charge or trial for nothing more than writing an article in a Wall-magazine, I call upon the honourable Egyptian Ambassador Mr. Hassan Aleithy to intercede with the Egyptian government so that the release of our colleague Peter Greste can be arranged immediately and thus maintaining the strong ties between the two countries.
4- The Egyptian community in Sydney headed by Dr. Moustafa Rashed the coordinator of the Egyptian Community Association is deeply concerned about what had been reported in the Australian Newspaper which runs like this:
((((Greste was told on Thursday (Jnauary 16, 2014) by the prosecutor general that his initial 15-day detention would be continued for a third time to give investigators more time.
“He can do this indefinitely, one of my prison mates has been behind bars for six months without a single charge,” he [Peter Greste] wrote from his cold prison cell.))))
5- Peter Greste is a journalist. His job is to report he news. There is no such a thing as objective report. Every Journalist has his own subjective point of view. Ibrahim Essa (a leading Egyptian Journalist) has his and Peter Greste has his own. And thus, arresting a journalist on the ground that his report is sympathetic to this or that party is an anti-social and anti-democratic measure and should not be allowed to continue.
6- Peter Greste is a secular journalist and the last thing people would buy about him is that he is harbouring a fanatic Islamic point of view.
7- Keeping our colleague Peter Greste in prison will only be conducive of the idea that what had happened in Egypt on June 30 was a military coup d’état, an idea that will eventually create a reason for NATO to discuss the possibility to bombard Egypt as they did in Libya. We DO NOT want to give NATO a reason to exercise and test its satanic and diabolical weapons in Egypt.
Egyptian journalists in Australia and the Association of the Egyptian-Australian Community in Sydney is hereby entreating the Egyptian Authority to treat their colleague well and effect his release immediately.
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